Designer-Maker Workshops
Mask designing and making
These are simple masks made from paper, card and recycled materials. Children were asked to design and make a mask representing a
character from a favourite story. We had two little pigs, a phoenix, Frankenstein, Batman, a Tiger, Barbar and a clown.
The children learnt how to become the character by wearing the mask and went on to participate in story-telling.
Designing and making hats
This workshop was held on National Hat Day! Participants made hats from a variety of materials to reflect their personalities.
This culminated in a parade at the end of the day and a discussion session in which they were encouraged
to use descriptive words to explain the shapes, colours and materials they had used.
Costume designing and making
This three day workshop concentrated on the four elements: earth, air, fire and water.
The children had to choose one element and an animal that would live within it. Through a design process of using no more than three colours
their objective was to design and make a head-dress from paper-mache and a cloak by tye-dyeing. They also had to write their own story or poem
that described the animal they were. This culminated in a pageant and story telling evening for their parents which included a Fire-Dragon, Dolphin,
Snail, Salamander, Butterfly, Octopus, Flying Fish and a Worm!
Designing and making: "Recycled Robots!" (It's fun but Rubbish!)
This was a workshop that looked at waste and recycling issues. After a brief discussion session we decided we needed to make robots for the future to clean up rubbish - and that these
robots themselves should be made from recycled waste materials that the children had collected.
They followed a design process starting from initial ideas and drawings through to producing a finished 3D robot, and then put the finished pieces through a rigorous assault course.
Some robots even squirted water to help clean up, whilst others sported brushes!
Designing and making puppets for storytelling
Kite designing and making
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Please note that everyone appearing in photos on this website has given their permission, and childrens' parents have signed forms
giving pernmission.